chnset — Writes data to the named software bus.
Write to a channel of the named software bus. Implies declaring the channel with imod=2 (see also chn_k, chn_a, and chn_S).
chnset ival, Sname
chnset kval, Sname
chnset aval, Sname
chnset Sval, Sname
chnsetks Sval, Sname
chnseti ival[], []Sname
chnsetk kval[], []Sname
chnseta aval[], []Sname
chnsets Sval[], []Sname
Sname -- a string that indicates which named channel of the software bus to write.
Sname[] -- an array of string that indicates which named channels of the software bus to write to.
ival -- the control value to write at i-time.
ival[] -- an array of control values to write at i-time.
Sval -- the string value to write at i-time.
Sval[] -- an array of string values to write at i-time.
kval -- the control value to write at performance time.
aval -- the audio signal to write at performance time.
Sval -- the string value to write at perf-time. The opcode chnset with strings works at both i- and perf-time, whereas chnsetks works only a perf-time. Channel contents are only updated if the string variable is modified.
kval[] -- an array of control values to write at performance time.
aval[] -- an array of audio vectors to write at performance time.
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Note |
Although it is possible to loop through channel names from an array with chnget and chnset, using the array based channel opcodes is more efficient. |
The example shows the software bus being used to write pitch information to a controlling program.
sr = 44100 kr = 100 ksmps = 1 instr 1 a1 in kp,ka pitchamdf a1 chnset kp, "pitch" endin
Here is another example of the chnset opcode. Play chnset.csd
Example 139. Example of the chnset opcode.
<CsoundSynthesizer> <CsOptions> ; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform -odac ;;;realtime audio out ;-iadc ;;;uncomment -iadc if realtime audio input is needed too ; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below: ; -o chnset.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform </CsOptions> <CsInstruments> ;Example by Joachim Heintz sr = 44100 ksmps = 32 nchnls = 2 0dbfs = 1 instr 1; send i-values chnset 1, "sio" chnset -1, "non" endin instr 2; send k-values kfreq randomi 100, 300, 1 chnset kfreq, "cntrfreq" kbw = kfreq/10 chnset kbw, "bandw" endin instr 3; send a-values anois rand .1 chnset anois, "noise" loop: idur random .3, 1.5 timout 0, idur, do reinit loop do: ifreq random 400, 1200 iamp random .1, .3 asig oscils iamp, ifreq, 0 aenv transeg 1, idur, -10, 0 asine = asig * aenv chnset asine, "sine" endin instr 11; receive some chn values and send again ival1 chnget "sio" ival2 chnget "non" print ival1, ival2 kcntfreq chnget "cntrfreq" kbandw chnget "bandw" anoise chnget "noise" afilt reson anoise, kcntfreq, kbandw afilt balance afilt, anoise chnset afilt, "filtered" endin instr 12; mix the two audio signals amix1 chnget "sine" amix2 chnget "filtered" chnmix amix1, "mix" chnmix amix2, "mix" endin instr 20; receive and reverb amix chnget "mix" aL, aR freeverb amix, amix, .8, .5 outs aL, aR endin instr 100; clear chnclear "mix" endin </CsInstruments> <CsScore> i 1 0 20 i 2 0 20 i 3 0 20 i 11 0 20 i 12 0 20 i 20 0 20 i 100 0 20 </CsScore> </CsoundSynthesizer>