This should play if your Web browser has WebAssembly enabled (most do). Most examples will play unless they need to load files. The first time you click Play, Csound will spend a few seconds loading, then play. You can edit this code and replay it.
; Select flags here ; realtime audio out -o dac ; file ouput ; -o hrtf.wav ; Required settings for WebAudio: sr = 48000 ksmps = 128 nchnls = 2 nchnls_i = 1 ; nchnls = 2 gasrc init 0 ;global instr 1 ;a plucked string, distorted and filtered iamp = 15000 icps = cpspch(p4) a1 pluck iamp, icps, icps, 0, 1 adist distort1 a1, 10, .5, 0, 0 afilt moogvcf2 adist, 8000, .5 aout linen afilt, 0, p3, .01 gasrc = gasrc + aout endin instr 10 ;uses output from instr1 as source ;simple path for source kx line 2, p3, 9 ;early reflections, room default 1 aearlyl,aearlyr, irt60low, irt60high, imfp hrtfearly gasrc, kx, 5, 1, 5, 1, 1, "hrtf-44100-left.dat", "hrtf-44100-right.dat", 1 ;later reverb, uses outputs from above arevl, arevr, idel hrtfreverb gasrc, irt60low, irt60high, "hrtf-44100-left.dat", "hrtf-44100-right.dat", 44100, imfp ;delayed and scaled alatel delay arevl * .1, idel alater delay arevr * .1, idel outs aearlyl + alatel, aearlyr + alater gasrc = 0 endin ; Play Instrument 1: a simple arpeggio i1 0 .2 8.00 i1 + .2 8.04 i1 + .2 8.07 i1 + .2 8.11 i1 + .2 9.02 i1 + 1.5 8.11 i1 + 1.5 8.07 i1 + 1.5 8.04 i1 + 1.5 8.00 i1 + 1.5 7.09 i1 + 4 8.00 ; Play Instrument 10 for 13 seconds. i10 0 13