This should play if your Web browser has WebAssembly enabled (most do). Most examples will play unless they need to load files. The first time you click Play, Csound will spend a few seconds loading, then play. You can edit this code and replay it.
-d -o dac ; Required settings for WebAudio: sr = 48000 ksmps = 128 nchnls = 2 nchnls_i = 1 ;; ksmps needs to be an integer div of hopsize ksmps = 64 instr 1 ihopsize = 256 ; hopsize ifftsize = 1024 ; FFT size iolaps = ifftsize/ihopsize ; overlaps ibw = sr/ifftsize ; bin bandwidth kcnt init 0 ; counting vars krow init 0 kOla[] init ifftsize ; overlap-add buffer kIn[] init ifftsize ; input buffer kOut[][] init iolaps, ifftsize ; output buffers a1 diskin2 "fox.wav",1,0,1 ; audio input /* every hopsize samples */ if kcnt == ihopsize then /* window and take FFT */ kWin[] window kIn,krow*ihopsize kSpec[] rfft kWin /* filter between high and low freqs */ ilow = 0 ihigh = 1000 ki = int(ilow/ibw) until ki == int(ihigh/ibw) do kSpec[ki] = 0 ki += 1 od /* IFFT + window */ kRow[] rifft kSpec kWin window kRow, krow*ihopsize /* place it on out buffer */ kOut setrow kWin, krow /* zero the ola buffer */ kOla = 0 /* overlap-add */ ki = 0 until ki == iolaps do kRow getrow kOut, ki kOla = kOla + kRow ki += 1 od /* update counters */ krow = (krow+1)%iolaps kcnt = 0 endif /* shift audio in/out of buffers */ kIn shiftin a1 a2 shiftout kOla out a2/iolaps /* increment counter */ kcnt += ksmps endin i1 0 10