Source: ParametricLindenmayerSystem.js

/*jshint nomen: true */

Copyright (C) 2014, 2024 by Michael Gogins

This software is licensed under the terms of the
GNU Lesser General Public License

Part of Silencio, an algorithmic music composition library for Csound.

(function () {


    This one is redone, for the sake of ever-loving consistency, to use:

    Event.TIME = 0;
    Event.DURATION = 1;
    Event.STATUS = 2;
    Event.CHANNEL = 3;
    Event.KEY = 4;
    Event.VELOCITY = 5;
    Event.X = 6;
    Event.Y = 7;
    Event.Z = 8;
    Event.PHASE = 9;
    Event.HOMOGENEITY = 10;
    Event.COUNT = 11;


    t, d, s, c, k, v, x


    let CsoundAC;
    (async () => {
        CsoundAC = await createCsoundAC();"CsoundAC 1:" + CsoundAC);
    })();"CsoundAC 2:" + CsoundAC);

    let ParametricLindenmayer = {};

     * @class
     * @classdesc
     * Represents the position of a "pen" that is moving about 
     * and writing upon a Score. The state of the Turtle includes a note, 
     * a chord, and another chord defining the modality of the Score.
     * @param {Event} note_ The current position of the Turtle in the chord 
     * space.
     * @param {Chord} chord_ The current Chord to which the Turtle will bre 
     * conformed.
     * @param {Chord} modality_ The modality of the chord space, which 
     * controls the effect of certain chord transormations.
    ParametricLindenmayer.Turtle = class {
        constructor(note_, chord_, modality_) {
            this.step = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
            this.scale = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
            if (typeof note_ === "undefined") {
                this.note = new Silencio.Event();
            } else {
                this.note = note_;
            if (typeof chord_ === "undefined") {
                this.chord = new ChordSpace.Chord();
            } else {
                this.chord = chord_.clone();
            this.prior_chord = this.chord.clone();
            if (typeof modality_ === "undefined") {
                this.modality = new ChordSpace.Chord();
            } else {
                this.modality = modality_.clone();
         * Creates a clone of this Turtle.
         * @returns {Turtle} A value copy of this Turtle.
        clone() {
            clone_ = new ParametricLindenmayer.Turtle();
            clone_.step = this.step.slice();
            clone_.scale = this.scale.slice();
            clone_.note = this.note.clone();
            clone_.chord = this.chord.clone();
            clone_.modality = this.modality.clone();
            clone_.prior_chord = this.prior_chord.clone();
            return clone_;

     * @class 
     * @classdesc 
     * Creates a Word with a name, a list of actual parameter expressions,
     * an empty list of actual parameter values, and a Production-matching key
     * from the text of the Word. 
     * @param {string} text Parsed to produce the parts of this Word. Both 
     * formal parameters and actual parameters must be seperated by a comma 
     * and a space (`", "`). _Actual_ parameters may contain or be expressions; 
     * if so, no comma within such an expression may be followed by a space 
     * (this prevents incorrect parsing into malformed parameters). Example: 
     * `"J(2, myfunction(4,t/2,6) + p)"`.
    ParametricLindenmayer.Word = class {
        constructor(text) {
            this.text = text;
   = /s*([^(]*)/.exec(text)[1].trim();
            this.actual_parameter_expressions = [];
            let opening_parenthesis = text.indexOf('(');
            let ending_parenthesis = text.lastIndexOf(')');
            if (opening_parenthesis != -1 && ending_parenthesis != -1) {
                this.actual_parameter_expressions = text.substring(opening_parenthesis + 1, ending_parenthesis).split(/, /);

            this.key = + '(' + this.actual_parameter_expressions.length + ')';
            this.actual_parameter_values = [];
            for (let i = 0; i < this.actual_parameter_expressions.length; i++) {
         * Creates a clone of this Word.
         * @returns {Word} A deep value copy of this Word.
        clone() {
            clone_ = new ParametricLindenmayer.Word('');
            clone_.text = this.text;
            clone_.key = this.key;
            clone_.actual_parameter_expressions = this.actual_parameter_expressions.slice();
            clone_.actual_parameter_values = this.actual_parameter_values.slice();
            return clone_;
         * Rewrites this Word by replacing it with a new Word or series of Words based 
         * on the replacement rules and the values of the actual parameters.
         * @param {PLSyste} lsystem A ParametricLindenmayerSystem instance.
         * @param {Array<Word>} current_production The current production of the ParametricLindenmayerSystem.
        rewrite(lsystem, current_production) {
            let rule = lsystem.rule_for_word(this);
            if (typeof rule === "undefined") {
                let rule_less = this.clone();
                lsystem.evaluate_actual_parameter_expressions(null, rule_less);
            } else {
                let productions_for_conditions = rule.productions_for_conditions;
                for (let condition in productions_for_conditions) {
                    if (productions_for_conditions.hasOwnProperty(condition)) {
                        let production = productions_for_conditions[condition];
                        if (lsystem.evaluate_condition_expression(this, condition) === true) {
                            for (let i = 0; i < production.length; i++) {
                                let child = production[i].clone();
                                lsystem.evaluate_actual_parameter_expressions(this, child);
                    } else {
                        console.log('Condition "false", skipping rewriting of ' + this.text + '.');

    ParametricLindenmayer.Rule = class {
        constructor(word_, condition_, production_) {
            if (typeof word_ === typeof '') {
                this.word = new ParametricLindenmayer.Word(word_);
            } else {
                this.word = word_.clone();
            this.productions_for_conditions = {};
            this.add_condition(condition_, production_);
        add_condition(condition_, production_) {
            let production = [];
            let words = production_.split(';');
            for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
                let word = words[i];
                if (typeof word !== "undefined" && word !== null) {
                    if (word.length > 0) {
                        production.push(new ParametricLindenmayer.Word(word));
            this.productions_for_conditions[condition_] = production;

     * Evaluates code but logs any exceptions thus caused.
     * @param {string} code Text of Javascript expression.

    ParametricLindenmayer.evaluate_with_minimal_scope = function (code) {
        try {
            let result = eval?.(code);
            return result;
        } catch (x) {

     * @class 
     * @classdesc
     * This parametric Lindenmayer system for generating musical scores is 
     * defined as follows. See 
     * For the original definition of this type of system, see Przemyslaw
     * Prusinkiewicz and Aristid Lindenmayer, _The Algorithmic Beauty of 
     * Plants_ (New York: Springer Verlag, 1996 [1990]), pp. 40-50.
     * _Name_: JavaScript identifier.
     * _Word_: Text for a JavaScript expression consisting of a name, or a 
     * JavaScript function call with either formal or actual parameters, 
     * terminated with a semicolon, associated with a Command.
     * _Production_: A sequence of Words.
     * _Command_: A function that modifies the state of a Turtle; may be 
     * built-in or user-defined. A Word that is not assigned a Command is 
     * associated with a default builtin identity Command.
     * _Turtle_: An abstract pen that writes a musical score by performing the 
     * Commands in a Production.
     * _Axiom_: The initial Production of a Lindenmayer system, in which any 
     * parameters are actual.
     * _Rule_: A triple [Word, Condition, Production] in which any parameters 
     * may be actual or formal, or indeed any JavaScript expression.
     * _Lindenmayer system_: A set of Words, a set of associated Commands, an 
     * Axiom, one or more Rules, and a finite number N of Iterations. For each 
     * Word in the Axiom, the Axiom Word is replaced from the Rules; if the 
     * Axiom Word Name matches the Rule Word Name, and the Axiom Word 
     * parameters number the same as the Rule Word parameters, then if the 
     * Condition evaluates as true, the Rule Production replaces the Axiom 
     * Word after evaluating each Production Word's actual parameter 
     * expressions after substituting the Axiom Word's actual parameter values 
     * for any formal parameter names in the Production Word's actual 
     * parameter expressions; if as false, there is no Production; otherwise, 
     * the Axiom Word replaces itself. The resulting Production is taken as 
     * the Axiom for the next iteration. This is repeated N times. Then the 
     * final Production, consisting of a possibly long string of Words with 
     * only actual parameters, is evaluated.
     * _Evaluation_: The Command of each Word in the final Production is 
     * evaluated using the Turtle state and the Command with actual 
     * parameters, possibly causing the Turtle to write a musical score.
     * _Note_: The formal parameter names of the Word must be the same as the 
     * formal parameter names (after 'lsystem' and 'turtle') of the Word's 
     * Command (which is not a class member of the Word). The actual 
     * parameters of the Word may be values or unevaluated expressions; when 
     * the Command is called, the actual parameter expressions are evaluated 
     * using the actual parameter values of the parent Word as the values of 
     * the unevaluated parameters in the actual parameter expressions.
     * _Example_: Note(i,t,d,k,v,p) is replaced by 
     * Note(i*2,t^1.1,d-1,k+3,v*.9,p=Math.random()).
     * Reworked to use CsoundAC.PITV.
    ParametricLindenmayer.PLSystem = class {
        constructor() {
            this.commands_for_words = {};
            this.formal_parameters_for_commands = {};
            this.axiom = [];
            this.rules_for_words = {};
            this.chord_space_group = new ChordSpace.ChordSpaceGroup();
            this.turtle = new ParametricLindenmayer.Turtle();
            this.identity_command = function (lsystem, turtle_) {
                return turtle_;
            let step;
            this.add_command('Assign(dimension, value)', function (lsystem, turtle, dimension, value) {
      [dimension] = value;
                return turtle;
            this.add_command('Scale(dimension, value)', function (lsystem, turtle, dimension, value) {
                turtle.scale[dimension] = value;
                return turtle;
            this.add_command('Move(dimension, value)', function (lsystem, turtle, dimension, value) {
      [dimension] += value;
                return turtle;
            this.add_command('Steps(s)', function (lsystem, turtle, s) {
                step_ = numeric.mul(turtle.step, s);
                step_ = numeric.mul(step_, turtle.scale);
       = numeric.add(, step_);
                return turtle;
            this.add_command('Step()', function (lsystem, turtle) {
                let scaled_step = numeric.mul(turtle.step, turtle.scale);
       = numeric.add(, scaled_step);
                return turtle;
            // main rotations.
            this.add_command('Turn(from_axis, to_axis, angle)', function (lsystem, turtle, from_axis, to_axis, angle) {
                let rotation = numeric.identity(turtle.step.length);
                rotation[from_axis][from_axis] = Math.cos(angle);
                rotation[from_axis][to_axis] = -Math.sin(angle);
                rotation[to_axis][from_axis] = Math.sin(angle);
                rotation[to_axis][to_axis] = Math.cos(angle);
                // The step is a row vector, not a column vector.
                turtle.step = numeric.dotVM(turtle.step, rotation);
                return turtle;
            this.add_command('Assign(t, d, s, c, k, v, x)', function (lsystem, turtle, t, d, s, c, k, v, x) {
                turtle.note.time = (t * turtle.scale[0]);
                turtle.note.duration = (d * turtle.scale[1]);
                turtle.note.status = (s * turtle.scale[2]);
       = (c * turtle.scale[3]);
                turtle.note.key = (k * turtle.scale[4]);
                turtle.note.velocity = (v * turtle.scale[5]);
                turtle.note.pan = (x * turtle.scale[6]);
                return turtle;
            this.add_command('Move(t, d, s, c, k, v, x)', function (lsystem, turtle, t, d, s, c, k, v, x) {
                turtle.note.time += (t * turtle.scale[0]);
                turtle.note.duration += (d * turtle.scale[1]);
                turtle.note.status += (s * turtle.scale[2]);
       += (c * turtle.scale[3]);
                turtle.note.key += (k * turtle.scale[4]);
                turtle.note.velocity += (v * turtle.scale[5]);
                turtle.note.pan += (x * turtle.scale[6]);
                return turtle;
            this.add_command('Note(t, d, s, c, k, v, x)', function (lsystem, turtle, t, d, s, c, k, v, x) {
                turtle.note.time = (t * turtle.scale[0]);
                turtle.note.duration = (d * turtle.scale[1]);
                turtle.note.status = (s * turtle.scale[2]);
       = (c * turtle.scale[3]);
                turtle.note.key = (k * turtle.scale[4]);
                turtle.note.velocity = (v * turtle.scale[5]);
                turtle.note.pan = (x * turtle.scale[6]);
                let note = turtle.note.clone();
                if (turtle.chord !== null) {
                    note.chord = turtle.chord.clone();
                return turtle;
            this.add_command('Note()', function (lsystem, turtle) {
                let note = turtle.note.clone();
                return turtle;
            this.add_command('Push()', function (lsystem, turtle) {
                return turtle;
            this.add_command('Pop()', function (lsystem, turtle) {
                turtle = lsystem.turtle_stack.pop();
                return turtle;
            this.add_command('T(n)', function (lsystem, turtle, n) {
                turtle.chord = turtle.chord.T(n);
                return turtle;
            this.add_command('I(c)', function (lsystem, turtle, c) {
                turtle.chord = turtle.chord.I(c);
                return turtle;
            this.add_command('K()', function (lsystem, turtle) {
                turtle.chord = turtle.chord.K();
                return turtle;
            this.add_command('Q(n)', function (lsystem, turtle, n) {
                turtle.chord = turtle.chord.Q(n, turtle.modality);
                return turtle;
            this.add_command('J(n, m)', function (lsystem, turtle, n, m) {
                let inversions = turtle.chord.J(n);
                if (inversions.length > m) {
                    turtle.chord = inversions[m];
                return turtle;
             * Assign the parameters P, I, T, and V to the current turtle state.
            this.add_command('PitvAssign(P, I, T, V)', function (lsystem, turtle, P, I, T, V) {
                turtle.chord = lsystem.chord_space_group.toChord(P, I, T, V, turtle.chord).revoicing;
                return turtle;
             * Add the parameters P, I, T, and V to the current turtle state.
            this.add_command('PitvMove(P, I, T, V', function (lsystem, turtle, P, I, T, V) {
                let pitv = lsystem.chord_space_group.fromChord(turtle.chord);
                pitv.P += P;
                pitv.I += I;
                pitv.T += T;
                pitv.V += V;
                turtle.chord = lsystem.chord_space_group.toChord(pitv.P, pitv.I, pitv.T, pitv.V, turtle.chord).revoicing;
                return turtle;
             * Assign the parameter P to the current turtle state.
            this.add_command('PAssign(P)', function (lsystem, turtle, P) {
                let pitv = lsystem.chord_space_group.fromChord(turtle.chord);
                pitv.P = P;
                turtle.chord = lsystem.chord_space_group.toChord(pitv.P, pitv.I, pitv.T, pitv.V, turtle.chord).revoicing;
                return turtle;
             * Add the parameter P to the current turtle state.
            this.add_command('PMove(P)', function (lsystem, turtle, P) {
                let pitv = lsystem.chord_space_group.fromChord(turtle.chord);
                pitv.P += P;
                turtle.chord = lsystem.chord_space_group.toChord(pitv.P, pitv.I, pitv.T, pitv.V, turtle.chord).revoicing;
                return turtle;
             * Assign the parameter I to the current turtle state.
            this.add_command('IAssign(I)', function (lsystem, turtle, I) {
                let pitv = lsystem.chord_space_group.fromChord(turtle.chord);
                pitv.I = I;
                turtle.chord = lsystem.chord_space_group.toChord(pitv.P, pitv.I, pitv.T, pitv.V, turtle.chord).revoicing;
                return turtle;
             * Add the parameter I to the current turtle state.
            this.add_command('IMove(I)', function (lsystem, turtle, I) {
                let pitv = lsystem.chord_space_group.fromChord(turtle.chord);
                pitv.I += I;
                turtle.chord = lsystem.chord_space_group.toChord(pitv.P, pitv.I, pitv.T, pitv.V, turtle.chord).revoicing;
                return turtle;
             * Assign the parameter T to the current turtle state.
            this.add_command('TAssign(T)', function (lsystem, turtle, T) {
                let pitv = lsystem.chord_space_group.fromChord(turtle.chord);
                pitv.T = T;
                turtle.chord = lsystem.chord_space_group.toChord(pitv.P, pitv.I, pitv.T, pitv.V, turtle.chord).revoicing;
                return turtle;
             * Add the parameter T to the current turtle state.
            this.add_command('TMove(T)', function (lsystem, turtle, T) {
                let pitv = lsystem.chord_space_group.fromChord(turtle.chord);
                pitv.T += T;
                turtle.chord = lsystem.chord_space_group.toChord(pitv.P, pitv.I, pitv.T, pitv.V, turtle.chord).revoicing;
                return turtle;
             * Assign the parameter V to the current turtle state.
            this.add_command('VAssign(V)', function (lsystem, turtle, V) {
                let pitv = lsystem.chord_space_group.fromChord(turtle.chord);
                pitv.V = V;
                turtle.chord = lsystem.chord_space_group.toChord(pitv.P, pitv.I, pitv.T, pitv.V, turtle.chord).revoicing;
                return turtle;
             * Add the parameter V to the current turtle state.
            this.add_command('VMove(V)', function (lsystem, turtle, V) {
                let pitv = lsystem.chord_space_group.fromChord(turtle.chord);
                pitv.V += V;
                turtle.chord = lsystem.chord_space_group.toChord(pitv.P, pitv.I, pitv.T, pitv.V, turtle.chord).revoicing;
                return turtle;
             * Create notes in the score at the current time and duration from
             * the current turtle state's chord.
            this.add_command('ChordNotesDuration(D)', function (lsystem, turtle, D) {
                ChordSpace.insert(lsystem.score, turtle.chord, turtle.note.time);
                turtle.prior_chord = turtle.chord.clone();
                return turtle;
            this.add_command('ChordNotes()', function (lsystem, turtle) {
                ChordSpace.insert(lsystem.score, turtle.chord, turtle.note.time);
                turtle.prior_chord = turtle.chord.clone();
                return turtle;
             * Create a chord at the current time and duration from
             * the current turtle state's P, I, T at the closest voiceleading from
             * the previous chord. The voiceleading is done between the prior and
             * current state of the turtle.chord, so may not perform as expected
             * unless operations are successive in time. Please note, the
             * chordSpaceGroup of the LSystem must first have been initialized.
            this.add_command('ChordNotesVoiceleading()', function (lsystem, turtle) {
                turtle.chord = ChordSpace.voiceleadingClosestRange(turtle.prior_chord, turtle.chord, lsystem.chord_space_group.range, true);
                ChordSpace.insert(lsystem.score, turtle.chord, turtle.note.time);
                turtle.prior_chord = turtle.chord.clone();
                return turtle;
             * Conform notes in the score at the current time and duration to
             * the current turtle state's chord.
            this.add_command('Chord()', function (lsystem, turtle) {
                ChordSpace.insert(lsystem.score, turtle.chord, turtle.note.time);
                turtle.prior_chord = turtle.chord.clone();
                return turtle;
        reset(text) {
            this.iteration = 0;
            this.turtle_stack = [];
            this.score = new Silencio.Score();
        evaluate_actual_parameter_expressions(parent_word, child_word) {
            try {
                let prologue = 'let iteration = ' + this.iteration + ';';
                if (parent_word !== null) {
                    let formal_parameters = this.formal_parameters_for_commands[child_word.key];
                    if (typeof formal_parameters !== "undefined") {
                        for (let i = 0; i < formal_parameters.length; i++) {
                            let formal_parameter_name = formal_parameters[i];
                            let parent_actual_parameter_value = parent_word.actual_parameter_values[i];
                            if (parent_actual_parameter_value === null) {
                                let parent_word_parameter_expression = parent_word.actual_parameter_expressions[i];
                                parent_actual_parameter_value = ParametricLindenmayer.evaluate_with_minimal_scope(parent_word_parameter_expression);
                            let value_assignment = 'let ' + formal_parameter_name + ' = ' + parent_actual_parameter_value + ';';
                            prologue += value_assignment;
                for (let parameterIndex = 0; parameterIndex < child_word.actual_parameter_expressions.length; parameterIndex++) {
                    let child_word_actual_parameter_expression = child_word.actual_parameter_expressions[parameterIndex];
                    child_word.actual_parameter_values[parameterIndex] = ParametricLindenmayer.evaluate_with_minimal_scope(prologue + child_word_actual_parameter_expression);
            } catch (err) {
                throw err;
        evaluate_condition_expression(parent_word, condition) {
            try {
                let prologue = 'let iteration = ' + this.iteration + ';';
                let formal_parameters = this.formal_parameters_for_commands[parent_word.key];
                if (typeof formal_parameters !== "undefined") {
                    for (let i = 0; i < formal_parameters.length; i++) {
                        let formal_parameter_name = formal_parameters[i];
                        let parent_actual_parameter_value = parent_word.actual_parameter_values[i];
                        if (parent_actual_parameter_value === null) {
                            let parent_word_actual_parameter_expression = parent_word.actual_parameter_expressions[i];
                            parent_actual_parameter_value = ParametricLindenmayer.evaluate_with_minimal_scope(parent_word_actual_parameter_expression);
                        let value_assignment = 'let ' + formal_parameter_name + ' = ' + parent_actual_parameter_value + ';';
                        prologue += value_assignment;
                return ParametricLindenmayer.evaluate_with_minimal_scope(prologue + condition);
            } catch (err) {
                throw err;
        set_axiom(text) {
            this.axiom.length = 0;
            let words = text.split(';');
            for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
                let word = words[i];
                if (word.length > 0) {
                    this.axiom.push(new ParametricLindenmayer.Word(word));
        set_turtle(turtle_) {
            this.turtle = turtle_;
        add_command(word_text, command) {
            let word = new ParametricLindenmayer.Word(word_text);
            this.commands_for_words[word.key] = command;
            let formal_parameters = this.parameters_from_function_declaration(word_text);
            this.formal_parameters_for_commands[word.key] = formal_parameters;
        add_rule(word_, condition, production) {
            let word = new ParametricLindenmayer.Word(word_);
            let rule = this.rule_for_word(word);
            if (typeof rule === "undefined") {
                rule = new ParametricLindenmayer.Rule(word, condition, production);
                this.rules_for_words[rule.word.key] = rule;
            } else {
                rule.add_condition(condition, production);
        command_for_word(word) {
            let command = this.commands_for_words[word.key];
            if (typeof command === "undefined") {
                command = this.identity_command;
            return command;
        invoke_command(word, turtle) {
            let actual_parameter_values = word.actual_parameter_values.slice();
            let command = this.command_for_word(word);
            actual_parameter_values.splice(0, 0, this, turtle);
            return command.apply(word, actual_parameter_values);
        generate(iterations) {
            if (typeof iterations !== "undefined") {
                this.iterations = iterations;
            try {
                let initial_production = this.axiom;
                let current_production = [];
                let wordIndex;
                for (this.iteration = 0; this.iteration < this.iterations; this.iteration++) {
                    current_production.length = 0;
                    for (wordIndex = 0; wordIndex < initial_production.length; wordIndex++) {
                        let parent = initial_production[wordIndex].clone();
                        parent.rewrite(this, current_production);
                    initial_production = current_production.slice();
                let working_turtle = this.turtle.clone();
                for (wordIndex = 0; wordIndex < current_production.length; wordIndex++) {
                    let word = current_production[wordIndex];
                    working_turtle = this.invoke_command(word, working_turtle);
            } catch (ex) {
                throw ex;
        rule_for_word(word) {
            return this.rules_for_words[word.key];
        parameters_from_function_declaration(str) {
            let args = /\(\s*([^)]+?)\s*\)/.exec(str);
            if (args === null) {
                return [];
            if (args[1]) {
                args = args[1].split(/\s*,\s*/);
            return args;
        function_name_from_word(word) {
            let function_name = /function ([^(]*)/.exec(word)[1];
            return function_name;
        words_from_production(production) {
            let words = production.split(';');
            return words;
         * Conforms the pitch of each event in this,
         * to the closest pitch-class in its chord.
        conformToChords() {
   (event) {
                if (event.status == 144 && event.chord !== null) {
                    ChordSpace.conformToChord(event, event.chord, false);

    // EXPORTS

    // Node: Export function
    if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) {
        module.exports = ParametricLindenmayer;
    // AMD/requirejs: Define the module
    else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
        define(function () {
            return ParametricLindenmayer;
    // Browser: Expose to window
    else {
        window.ParametricLindenmayer = ParametricLindenmayer;
