* This script defines custom HTML elements and supporting code for the
* cloud-5 system. Once a custom element is used in the body of a Web page,
* its DOM object can be obtained, and then not only DOM methods but also
* custom methods can be called.
* In general, rather than subclassing these custom elements (although that
* is possible), users should define and set addon functions, code text, and
* other properties of the custom elements. All such user-defined properties
* have names ending in `_addon`.
* To simplify both usage and maintenance, internal styles are usually not
* used. Default styles are defined in the csound-5.css cascading style sheet.
* These styles can be overridden by the user.
* Usage:
* 1. Include the csound-5.js and csound-5.css scripts in the Web page.
* 2. Lay out and style the required custom elements as with any other HTNL
* elements. The w3.css style sheet is used internally and should also be
* included.
* 3. In a script element of the Web page:
* a. Define addons as JavaScript variables.
* b. Obtain DOM objects from custom elements.
* c. Assign custom elements and addons to their respective properties.
* Holds refernces to windows that must be closed on exit.
globalThis.windows_to_close = [];
* Close all secondary windows on exit.
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", (event) => {
for (let window_to_close of globalThis.windows_to_close()) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
globalThis.windows_to_close = [];
* Sets up the piece, and defines menu buttons. The user may assign the DOM
* objects of other cloud-5 elements to the `_overlay` properties.
class Cloud5Piece extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.csound = null;
this.csoundac = null;
#csound_code_addon = null;
* May be assigned the text of a Csound .csd patch. If so, the Csound
* patch will be compiled and run for every performance.
set csound_code_addon(code) {
this.#csound_code_addon = code;
get csound_code_addon() {
return this.#csound_code_addon;
#shader_overlay = null;
* May be assigned an instance of a cloud5-shader overlay. If so,
* the GLSL shader will run at all times, and will normally create the
* background for other overlays. The shader overlay may call
* addon functions either to visualize the audio of the performance,
* and/or to sample the video canvas to generate notes for performance by
* Csound.
set shader_overlay(shader) {
this.#shader_overlay = shader;
// Back reference for shader to access Csound, etc.
shader.cloud5_piece = this;
get shader_overlay() {
return this.#shader_overlay;
* May be assigned the URL of a Web page to implement HTML-based controls
* for the performance. This is normally used only if there is a secondary
* display to use for these controls, so that the primary display can become
* fullscreen. The resulting Web page can obtain a reference to this piece
* from its `window.opener`, which is the window that opens the HTML
* controls window, and the opener can be used to control all aspects of the
* piece.
* For this to work the HTML controls and the piece must have the same
* origin.
html_controls_url_addon = null;
* Stores a reference to the HTML controls window; this reference will be
* used to close the HTML controls window upon leaving fullscreen.
html_controls_window = null;
#control_parameters_addon = null;
* May be assigned a JavaScript object consisting of Csound control
* parameters, with default values. The naming convention must be global
* Csound variable type, underscore{ , Csound instrument name},
* underscore, Csound control channel name. For example:
* control_parameters_addon = {
* "gk_Duration_factor": 0.8682696259761612,
* "gk_Iterations": 4,
* "gk_MasterOutput_level": -2.383888203863542,
* "gk_Shimmer_wetDry": 0.06843403205918619
* };
* The Csound orchestra should define matching control channels. Such
* parameters may also be used to control other processes.
* saveAs: function saveAs(presetName) {
if (!this.load.remembered) {
this.load.remembered = {};
this.load.remembered[DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PRESET_NAME] = getCurrentPreset(this, true);
this.load.remembered[presetName] = getCurrentPreset(this);
this.preset = presetName;
addPresetOption(this, presetName, true);
set control_parameters_addon(parameters) {
this.#control_parameters_addon = parameters;
get control_parameters_addon() {
return this.#control_parameters_addon;
#score_generator_function_addon = null;
* May be assigned a score generating function. If so, the score generator
* will be called for each performance, and must generate and return a
* CsoundAC Score, which will be translated to a Csound score in text
* format, appended to the Csound patch, displayed in the piano roll
* overlay, and played or rendered by Csound.
set score_generator_function_addon(score_generator_function) {
this.#score_generator_function_addon = score_generator_function;
get score_generator_function_addon() {
return this.#score_generator_function_addon;
#piano_roll_overlay = null;
* May be assigned the DOM object of a <cloud5-piano-roll> element overlay.
* If so, the Score button will show or hide an animated, zoomable piano
* roll display of the generated CsoundAC Score.
set piano_roll_overlay(piano_roll) {
this.#piano_roll_overlay = piano_roll;
this.#piano_roll_overlay.cloud5_piece = this;
get piano_roll_overlay() {
return this.#piano_roll_overlay;
* May be assigned the DOM object of a <cloud5-log> element overlay. If so,
* the Log button will show or hide a scrolling view of messages from Csound or
* other sources.
#log_overlay = null;
#about_overlay = null;
* May be assigned the DOM object of a <cloud5-about> element overlay. If
* so, the About button will show or hide the overlay. The inner HTML of
* this element may contain license information, authorship, credits,
* program notes for the piece, or other information.
get about_overlay() {
return this.#about_overlay;
set about_overlay(overlay) {
this.#about_overlay = overlay;
* Called by Csound during performance, and prints the message to the
* scrolling text area of a <csound5-log> element overlay. This function may
* also be called by user code.
* @param {string} message
csound_message_callback = async function (message) {
if (message === null) {
let level_left = -100;
let level_right = -100;
if (non_csound(this.csound) == false) {
let score_time = await this.csound.getScoreTime();
level_left = await this.csound.getControlChannel("gk_MasterOutput_output_level_left");
level_right = await this.csound.getControlChannel("gk_MasterOutput_output_level_right");
let delta = score_time;
// calculate (and subtract) whole days
let days = Math.floor(delta / 86400);
delta -= days * 86400;
// calculate (and subtract) whole hours
let hours = Math.floor(delta / 3600) % 24;
delta -= hours * 3600;
// calculate (and subtract) whole minutes
let minutes = Math.floor(delta / 60) % 60;
delta -= minutes * 60;
// what's left is seconds
let seconds = delta % 60; // in theory the modulus is not required
if (level_left > 0) {
$("#vu_meter_left").css("color", "red");
} else if (level_left > -12) {
$("#vu_meter_left").css("color", "orange")
} else {
$("#vu_meter_left").css("color", "lightgreen");
if (level_right > 0) {
$("#vu_meter_right").css("color", "red");
} else if (level_right > -12) {
$("#vu_meter_right").css("color", "orange")
} else {
$("#vu_meter_right").css("color", "lightgreen");
$("#mini_console").html(sprintf("d:%4d h:%02d m:%02d s:%06.3f", days, hours, minutes, seconds));
$("#vu_meter_left").html(sprintf("L%+7.1f dBA", level_right));
$("#vu_meter_right").html(sprintf("R%+7.1f dBA", level_right));
* A convenience function for printing the message in the
* scrolling <csound5-log> element overlay.
* @param {string} message
log(message) {
* Metadata to be written to output files. The user may assign
* values to any of these fields.
metadata = {
"artist": null,
"copyright": null,
"performer": null,
"title": null,
"album": null,
"track": null,
"tracknumber": null,
"date": null,
"publisher": null,
"comment": null,
"license": null,
"genre": null,
connectedCallback() {
this.innerHTML = `
<div class="w3-bar" id="main_menu" style="position:fixed;background:transparent;z-index:1000;">
<ul class="menu">
<li id="menu_item_play" title="Play piece on system audio output" class="w3-btn w3-hover-text-light-green">
<li id="menu_item_render" title="Render piece to soundfile" class="w3-btn w3-hover-text-light-green">Render
<li id="menu_item_record" title="Record live audio to soundfile" class="w3-btn w3-hover-text-light-green">Record</li>
<li id="menu_item_stop" title="Stop performance" class="w3-btn w3-hover-text-light-green">Stop</li>
<li id="menu_item_fullscreen" class="w3-btn w3-hover-text-light-green">Fullscreen</li>
<li id="menu_item_strudel" class="w3-btn w3-hover-text-light-green" style="display:none;">Strudel</li>
<li id="menu_item_piano_roll" title="Show/hide piano roll score" class="w3-btn w3-hover-text-light-green" style="display:none;">Score
<li id="menu_item_log" title="Show/hide message log" class="w3-btn w3-hover-text-light-green">Log
<li id="menu_item_about" title="Show/hide information about this piece"
class="w3-btn w3-hover-text-light-green">About</li>
<li id="mini_console" class="w3-btn w3-text-green w3-hover-text-light-green"></li>
<li id="vu_meter_left" class="w3-btn w3-hover-text-light-green"></li>
<li id="vu_meter_right" class="w3-btn w3-hover-text-light-green"></li>
<li id="menu_item_dat_gui"
title="Show/hide performance controls; 'Save' copies all control parameters to system clipboard"
class="w3-btn w3-left-align w3-hover-text-light-green w3-right"></li>
this.vu_meter_left = document.querySelector("#vu_mter_left");
this.vu_meter_right = document.querySelector("#vu_mter_right");
this.mini_console = document.querySelector("#mini_console");
let menu_item_play = document.querySelector('#menu_item_play');
menu_item_play.onclick = ((event) => {
console.info("menu_item_play click...");
// this.hide(this.strudel_overlay);
// this.hide(this.shader_overlay);
(() => this.render(false))();
let menu_item_render = document.querySelector('#menu_item_render');
menu_item_render.onclick = ((event) => {
console.info("menu_item_render click...");
// this.hide(this.shader_overlay);
(() => this.render(true))();
let menu_item_record = document.querySelector('#menu_item_record');
menu_item_record.onclick = ((event) => {
this.log("menu_item_record click...\n");
// Start recording if not already recording,
// stop recording if already recording.
if (menu_item_record.innerText == "Record") {
this.csound?.setControlChannel("gk_record", 1);
menu_item_record.innerText = "Pause";
this.log("Csound has started recording...\n");
} else {
this.csound?.setControlChannel("gk_record", 0);
menu_item_record.innerText = "Record";
this.log("Csound has stopped recording.\n");
let soundefile_url = url_for_soundfile(this.csound);
let menu_item_stop = document.querySelector('#menu_item_stop');
menu_item_stop.onclick = ((event) => {
console.info("menu_item_stop click...");
let menu_item_fullscreen = document.querySelector('#menu_item_fullscreen');
menu_item_fullscreen.onclick = (async (event) => {
console.info("menu_item_fullscreen click...");
try {
if (this.#shader_overlay?.canvas?.requestFullscreen) {
let new_window = null;
// Make the shader canvas fullscreen in the primary window.
await this.#shader_overlay.canvas.requestFullscreen();
// Try to make the HTML controls, if available, fullscreen
// in the secondary window.
const secondary_screen = (await getScreenDetails()).screens.find(
(screen) => screen.isExtended,
if (secondary_screen && this?.html_controls_url_addon) {
let permissions_granted = false;
const { state } = await navigator.permissions.query({ name: 'window-management' });
if (state === 'granted') {
permissions_granted = true;
const url = window.location.origin + this?.html_controls_url_addon;
const window_features = `top=${secondary_screen.availTop}, left=${secondary_screen.availLeft}, width=${secondary_screen.availWidth}, height=${secondary_screen.availHeight}`;
let opened_window = window.open(url, 'HTMLControls', window_features);
if (!opened_window || opened_window.closed || typeof opened_window.closed == 'undefined') {
alert("Your browser is blocking popups. Please allow popups and redirects in the browser settings for this Web site.")
} else {
this.html_controls_window = opened_window;
if (this.html_controls_window) {
// These will pile up and that would be a problem... if users
// repeatedly toggled fullscreen.
window.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", (event) => {
if (document.fullscreenElement) {
} else {
(value) => {
globalThis.windows_to_close = globalThis.windows_to_close.filter(function (ele) {
return ele != value;
} catch (ex) {
alert(ex.message + "\nIn the browser's 'Site permissions' for this Web site, set 'Pop-ups and redirects' to 'Allow' and 'Window management' to 'Allow'.");
let menu_item_strudel = document.querySelector('#menu_item_strudel');
menu_item_strudel.onclick = ((event) => {
console.info("menu_item_strudel click...");
// this.hide(this.shader_overlay);
// this.hide(this.log_overlay);
let menu_item_piano_roll = document.querySelector('#menu_item_piano_roll');
menu_item_piano_roll.onclick = ((evemt) => {
console.info("menu_item_piano_roll click...");
// this.hide(this.shader_overlay);
// this.hide(this.log_overlay);
let menu_item_log = document.querySelector('#menu_item_log');
menu_item_log.onclick = ((event) => {
console.info("menu_item_log click...");
let menu_item_about = document.querySelector('#menu_item_about');
menu_item_about.onclick = ((event) => {
console.info("menu_item_about click...");
// Ensure that the dat.gui controls are children of the _Controls_ button.
document.onkeydown = ((e) => {
let e_char = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode || e.charCode);
if (e.ctrlKey === true) {
if (e_char === 'H') {
let console = document.getElementById("console");
if (console.style.display === "none") {
console.style.display = "block";
} else {
console.style.display = "none";
this.gui.closed = true;
gui.closed = false;
} else if (e_char === 'G') {
} else if (e_char === 'P') {
} else if (e_char === 'S') {
} else if (e_char === 'C') {
window.addEventListener('load', function (event) {
let save_button = this.gui.domElement.querySelector('span.button.save');
save_button.onclick = function (event) {
window.addEventListener("unload", function (event) {
* Copies all _current_ dat.gui parameters to the system clipboard in
* JSON format.
* @param {Object} parameters A dictionary containing the current state of all
* controls; keys are control parameter names, values are control parameter
* values. This can be pasted from the clipboard into source code, as a
* convenient method of updating a piece with parameters that have been tweaked
* during performance.
copy_parameters() {
let copied_parameters = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this?.control_parameters_addon))
delete copied_parameters?.load;
const json_text = JSON.stringify(copied_parameters, null, 4);
if (this.csound) {
this.csound.Message("Copied all control parameters to system clipboard.\n");
* @function render
* @memberof Cloud5Piece
* @description Invokes Csound and/or Strudel to perform music, by default to
* the audio output interface, but optionally to a local soundfile. Acts as an
* async member function because it is bound to this.
* @param {Boolean} is_offline If true, renders to a local soundfile.
render = async function (is_offline) {
this.csound = await get_csound((message) => this.csound_message_callback(message));
if (non_csound(this.csound)) {
this.csoundac = await createCsoundAC();
for (const key in this.metadata) {
const value = this.metadata[key];
if (value !== null) {
// CsoundAudioNode does not have the metadata facility.
this.csound?.setMetadata(key, value);
let csd;
csd = this.csound_code_addon.slice();
if (this.score_generator_function_addon) {
let score = await this.score_generator_function_addon();
if (score) {
let csound_score = await score.getCsoundScore(12., false);
csound_score = csound_score.concat("\n</CsScore>");
csd = this.csound_code_addon.replace("</CsScore>", csound_score);
if (is_offline == true) {
csd = csd.replace("-odac", "-o" + document.title + ".wav");
// Save the .csd file so we can debug a failing orchestra,
// instead of it just nullifying Csound.
const csd_filename = document.title + '-generated.csd';
write_file(csd_filename, csd);
try {
let result = await this.csound.compileCsdText(csd);
this.csound_message_callback("CompileCsdText returned: " + result + "\n");
} catch (e) {
await this.csound.start();
this.csound_message_callback("Csound has started...\n");
// Send _current_ dat.gui parameter values to Csound
// before actually performing.
if (is_offline == false) {
if (!(this?.csound.getNode)) {
if (typeof strudel_view !== 'undefined') {
if (strudel_view !== null) {
console.info("strudel_view:", this.strudel_view);
} else {
// Returns before finishing because Csound will perform in a separate
// thread.
await this.csound.performAndPostProcess();
this?.csound_message_callback("Csound is playing...\n");
* Stops both Csound and Strudel from performing.
stop = async function () {
await this.csound.stop();
await this.csound.cleanup();
this.csound_message_callback("Csound has stopped.\n");
* Helper function to show custom element overlays.
* @param {Object} overlay
show(overlay) {
if (overlay) {
overlay.style.display = 'block';
* Helper function to hide custom element overlays.
* @param {Object} overlay
hide(overlay) {
if (overlay) {
overlay.style.display = 'none';
* Helper function to show the overlay if it is
* hidden, or to hide the overlay if it is visible
* @param {Object} overlay
toggle(overlay) {
if (overlay) {
if (overlay.checkVisibility() == true) {
} else {
create_dat_gui_menu(parameters) {
let dat_gui_parameters = { autoPlace: false, closeOnTop: true, closed: true, width: 400, useLocalStorage: false };
if (parameters) {
dat_gui_parameters = Object.assign(this.get_default_preset(), dat_gui_parameters);
this.gui = new dat.GUI(dat_gui_parameters);
let dat_gui = document.getElementById('menu_item_dat_gui');
// The following assumes that there is only ever one child node of the
// menu item.
if (dat_gui.children.length == 0) {
} else {
// Replaces the existing dat.gui root node with the new one.
dat_gui.replaceChild(this.gui.domElement, dat_gui.children.item(0));
get_default_preset() {
if (this.#control_parameters_addon.hasOwnProperty('preset')) {
const preset_name = this.#control_parameters_addon.preset;
const preset = this.#control_parameters_addon.remembered[preset_name][0];
return preset;
} else {
return this.#control_parameters_addon;
* Sends a dictionary of parameters to Csound at the start of performance.
* The keys are the literal Csound control channel names, and the values are
* the values of those channels.
* @param {Object} parameters
send_parameters(parameters) {
if (non_csound(this.csound) == false) {
this.csound_message_callback("Sending initial state of control perameters to Csound...\n")
for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(parameters)) {
this.csound_message_callback(name + ": " + value + "\n");
this.csound?.setControlChannel(name, parseFloat(value));
* Adds a new folder to the Controls menu of the piece.
* @param {string} name The name of the folder.
* @returns {Object} The new folder.
menu_folder_addon(name) {
let folder = this.gui.addFolder(name);
return folder;
* Adds a new slider to a folder of the Controls menu of the piece.
* @param {Object} gui_folder The folder in which to place the slider.
* @param {string} token The name of the slider, usually the name of a
* Csound message channel.
* @param {number} minimum The minimum value of the slider (may be
* negative).
* @param {number} maximum The maximum value of the slider.
* @param {number} step An optional value for the granularity of values.
menu_slider_addon(gui_folder, token, minimum, maximum, step, name_) {
const on_parameter_change = ((value) => {
this.gk_update(token, value);
if (name_) {
gui_folder.add(this.get_default_preset(), token, minimum, maximum, step).name(name_).listen().onChange(on_parameter_change);
} else {
gui_folder.add(this.get_default_preset(), token, minimum, maximum, step).listen().onChange(on_parameter_change);
// Remembers parameter values. Required for the 'Revert' button to
// work, and to be able to save/restore new presets.
* Called by the browser when the user updates the value of a control in the
* Controls menu, and sends the update to the Csound control channel with
* the same name.
* @param {string} name The literal name of the Csound control channel.
* @param {number} value The current value of that channel.
gk_update(name, value) {
const numberValue = parseFloat(value);
console.info("gk_update: name: " + name + " value: " + numberValue);
if (non_csound(this.csound) == false) {
this.csound?.setControlChannel(name, numberValue);
* Adds a user-defined onclick handler function to the Controls menu of the
* piece.
* @param {Object} control_parameters_addon Dictionary containing all control parameters.
* @param {Object} gui_folder The folder to which the command will be added.
* @param {string} name The name of the command.
* @param {Function} onclick User-defined function to execute the command.
menu_add_command(control_parameters_addon, gui_folder, name, onclick) {
control_parameters_addon['name'] = onclick;
gui_folder.add(this.control_parameters_addon, name)
customElements.define("cloud5-piece", Cloud5Piece);
* Displays a CsoundAC Score as a 3-dimensional piano roll. During
* performance, a moving red ball indicates the current position of
* the performance in the score. The user may use the trackball
* to zoom in or out of the score, to drag it, or to spin it around.
class Cloud5PianoRoll extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.cloud5_piece = null;
this.silencio_score = new Silencio.Score();
this.csoundac_score = null;
this.canvas = null;
this.interval_id = null;
connectedCallback() {
this.innerHTML = `
<canvas id="display" class="cloud5-score-canvas">
this.canvas = this.querySelector('#display');
if (this.csoundac_score !== null) {
let menu_button = document.getElementById("menu_item_piano_roll");
menu_button.style.display = 'inline';
* Called by the browser to update the display of the Score. It is
* translated to a Silencio.Score object, which is what is actually
* displayed.
* @param {CsoundAC.Score} score A generated CsoundAC.Score object.
draw_csoundac_score(score) {
this.silencio_score = new Silencio.Score();
let i;
let n = score.size();
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
let event = score.get(i);
let p0_time = event.getTime();
let p1_duration = event.getDuration();
let p2_status = event.getStatus();
let p3_channel = event.getChannel();
let p4_key = event.getKey();
let p5_velocity = event.getVelocity();
let p6_x = event.getHeight();
let p7_y = event.getPan();
let p8_z = event.getDepth();
let p9_phase = event.getPhase();
this.silencio_score.add(p0_time, p1_duration, p2_status, p3_channel, p4_key, p5_velocity, p6_x, p7_y, p8_z, p9_phase);
* A updates the WebGL display of the generated Silencio Score object.
* @param {Silencio.Score} score
draw_silencio_score(score) {
this.silencio_score = score;
* Called by a timer during performance to update the play
* position in the piano roll display.
trackScoreTime() {
if (non_csound(this?.cloud5_piece?.csound)) {
let interval_callback = async function () {
let score_time = await this?.cloud5_piece?.csound?.GetScoreTime();
let bound_interval_callback = interval_callback.bind(this);
this.interval_id = setInterval(bound_interval_callback, 200);
* Stops the timer that is updating the play position of the score.
stop() {
recenter() {
customElements.define("cloud5-piano-roll", Cloud5PianoRoll);
* Contains an instance of the Strudel REPL that can use Csound as an output,
* and that starts and stops along wth Csound.
class Cloud5Strudel extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
connectedCallback() {
this.innerHTML = `
<strudel-repl-component id="strudel_view" class='cloud5-strudel-repl' style='position:fixed;z-index:4001;'>
this.strudel_component = this.querySelector('#strudel_view');
this.strudel_component.addEventListener("focusout", (event) => {
console.log("strudel_component lost focus.");
let menu_button = document.getElementById("menu_item_strudel");
menu_button.style.display = 'inline';
* Starts the Strudel performance loop (the Cyclist).
start() {
* Stops the Strudel performance loop (the Cyclist).
stop() {
#strudel_code_addon = null;
* Contains the text of a user-defined Strudel patch, exactly as would
* normally be entered by the user in the Strudel REPL. This patch may
* also import and reference modules defined by the cloud-5 system, such
* as statefulpatterns.mjs or csoundac.js.
set strudel_code_addon(code) {
this.#strudel_code_addon = code;
// Reconstruct the element.
get strudel_code_addon() {
return this.#strudel_code_addon;
#control_parameters_addon = null;
* Gets or sets optional control parameters.
set control_parameters_addon(parameters_) {
this.#control_parameters_addon = parameters_;
globalThis.parameters = parameters_;
// Reconstruct the element.
get control_parameters_addon() {
return this.#control_parameters_addon;
customElements.define("cloud5-strudel", Cloud5Strudel);
* Presents visuals generated by a GLSL shader. These visuals can show a
* visualization of the music, or be sampled to generate notes for Csound to
* perform.
* The SWSS glsl function accepts a dictionary of parameters, documented
* here: https://github.com/google/swissgl/blob/main/docs/API.md. The most
* often used of these parameters have setters in this class.
class Cloud5Shader extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
* The user may define a vertex shader in GLSL code for generating
* visuals, and assign a string containing the code to this property.
this.glsl_parameters = {};
* The user may define a function that will be called at intervals to
* receive a real-time FFT analysis of the audio; the function should
* downsample and/or otherwise process the analysis to generate CsoundAC
* Notes, which must be returned in a CsoundAC Score. The user-defined
* function must be assigned to this property.
this.shader_sampler_hook = null;
* The user may define a function that will be called at intervals to
* receive an FFT analysis of the performance; the function should use
* these to compute GLSL uniforms that will in some way control the
* appearance and behavior of the shader visuals. The user-defined
* function must be assigned to this property.
this.audio_visualizer_hook = null;
* Called by the browser whenever this element is added to the document.
connectedCallback() {
this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
this.canvas.style.position = 'absolute';
this.canvas.style.top = '0';
this.canvas.style.left = '0';
this.canvas.style.margin_top = '40px';
this.canvas.style.display = 'block';
this.canvas.style.width = '100%';
this.canvas.style.height = '100%';
//this.canvas.style.zIndex = '0';
this.glsl = SwissGL(this.canvas);
this.slowdown = 1000;
#shader_parameters_addon = null;
* Several objects must be defined at the same time before creating the
* shader. These objects are passed in these options.
set shader_parameters_addon(options) {
this.#shader_parameters_addon = options;
this.glsl = SwissGL(this.canvas);
let render = ((t) => {
t /= 1000;
this.glsl({ ...this.#shader_parameters_addon, t });
get shader_parameters_addon() {
return this.#shader_parameters_addon;
#cloud5_piece = null;
* Back reference to the piece, which can be used e.g. to get a reference to
* Csound.
set cloud5_piece(piece) {
this.#cloud5_piece = piece;
get cloud5_piece() {
return this.#cloud5_piece;
customElements.define("cloud5-shader", Cloud5Shader);
* Presents visuals generated by a GLSL shader. These visuals can show a
* visualization of the music, or be sampled to generate notes for Csound to
* perform.
* This class is specifically designed to simplify the use of shaders
* developed in or adapted from the ShaderToy Web site. Other types of shader
* also can be used.
class Cloud5ShaderToy extends HTMLElement {
gl = null;
shader_program = null;
vertex_shader = `#version 300 es
in vec2 inPos;
void main() {
gl_Position = vec4(inPos.xy, 0.0, 1.0);
analyser = null;
uniforms = {};
uniform_locations = {};
attributes = null;
set_uniforms = null;
get_attributes = null;
frequency_domain_data = null;
time_domain_data = null;
image_sample_buffer = null;
channel0_texture_unit = null;
channel0_texture = null;
channel0_sampler = null;
current_events = {};
prior_events = {};
rendering_frame = 0;
image_sample_buffer = null;
prior_image_sample_buffer = null;
vertex_shader_code_addon = `#version 300 es
in vec2 inPos;
void main() {
gl_Position = vec4(inPos.xy, 0.0, 1.0);
constructor() {
connectedCallback() {
this.innerHTML = `
<canvas id="display" class="cloud5-shader-canvas">
this.canvas = this.querySelector('#display');
#cloud5_piece = null;
* Back reference to the piece, which can be used e.g. to get a reference to
* Csound.
set cloud5_piece(piece) {
this.#cloud5_piece = piece;
get cloud5_piece() {
return this.#cloud5_piece;
#shader_parameters_addon = null;
* A number of parameters must be up to date at the same time before the
* shader program can be compiled. These are passed to this property in an
* object, upon which the shader is compiled and begins to run. The
* paramameters are:
* <pre>
* {
* fragment_shader_addon: code, \\ Required GLSL code.
* vertex_shader_addon: code, \\ Has a default value, but may be
* \\ overridden with custom GLSL code.
* pre_draw_frame_function_addon, \\ Optional JavaScript function to be
* \\ caalled in the animation loop before
* \\ drawing each frame, e.g. for setting
* \\ program uniforms.
* post_draw_frame_function_addon, \\ Optional JavaScript function to called
* \\ the animation loop immediately after
* \\ drawing each frame, e.g. for getting
* \\ attributes or reading buffers.
* }
* </pre>
set shader_parameters_addon(shader_parameters) {
this.#shader_parameters_addon = shader_parameters;
get shader_parameters_addon() {
return this.#shader_parameters_addon;
* Compiles the shader program, and starts rendering the shader.
create_shader() {
// Assign parameters fields to this.
if (this.#shader_parameters_addon.vertex_shader_code_addon) {
this.vertex_shader_code_addon = this.#shader_parameters_addon.vertex_shader_code_addon;
this.fragment_shader_code_addon = this.#shader_parameters_addon.fragment_shader_code_addon;
this.pre_draw_frame_function_addon = this.#shader_parameters_addon.pre_draw_frame_function_addon;
this.post_draw_frame_function_addon = this.#shader_parameters_addon.post_draw_frame_function_addon;
requestAnimationFrame((milliseconds) => this.render_frame(milliseconds));
* Called by the browser when the element is resized.
resize() {
this.webgl_viewport_size = [window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight];
this.canvas.width = this.webgl_viewport_size[0] * window.devicePixelRatio;
this.canvas.height = this.webgl_viewport_size[1] * window.devicePixelRatio;
this.image_sample_buffer = new Uint8ClampedArray(this.canvas.width * 4);
this.prior_image_sample_buffer = new Uint8ClampedArray(this.canvas.width * 4);
console.info("resize: image_sample_buffer.length: " + this.image_sample_buffer.length);
* Prepares the element's canvas for use by WebGL.
prepare_canvas() {
// Set up for high-resolution displays.
let devicePixelRatio_ = window.devicePixelRatio || 1
this.canvas.width = this.canvas.clientWidth * devicePixelRatio_;
this.canvas.height = this.canvas.clientHeight * devicePixelRatio_;
console.info("canvas.height: " + this.canvas.height);
console.info("canvas.width: " + this.canvas.width);
this.gl = this.canvas.getContext("webgl2", { antialias: true });
if (!this.gl) {
alert("Could not create webgl2 context.");
let extensions = this.gl.getSupportedExtensions();
console.info("Supported extensions:\n" + extensions);
if ("gpu" in navigator) {
var gpu_adapter = navigator.gpu.requestAdapter();
console.info("WebGPU adapter: " + gpu_adapter);
} else {
console.warn("WebGPU is not available on this platform.");
var EXT_color_buffer_float = this.gl.getExtension("EXT_color_buffer_float");
if (!EXT_color_buffer_float) {
alert("EXT_color_buffer_float is not available on this platform.");
this.mouse_position = [0, 0, 0, 0];
this.canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', ((e) => {
this.mouse_position = [e.clientX, e.clientY];
this.audio_texture_level = 0;
this.audio_texture_internalFormat = this.gl.R32F;
this.audio_texture_width = 512;
this.audio_texture_height = 2;
this.audio_texture_border = 0;
this.audio_texture_srcFormat = this.gl.RED;
this.audio_texture_srcType = this.gl.FLOAT;
this.frequency_domain_data = new Uint8Array(this.audio_texture_width * 2);
this.time_domain_data = new Uint8Array(this.audio_texture_width * 2);
this.audio_data = new Float32Array(this.audio_texture_width * 2);
this.image_sample_buffer = new Uint8ClampedArray();
this.channel0_texture_unit = 0;
this.channel0_texture = this.gl.createTexture();
this.channel0_texture.name = "channel0_texture";
this.channel0_sampler = this.gl.createSampler();
this.channel0_sampler.name = "channel0_sampler";
this.current_events = {};
this.prior_events = {};
this.rendering_frame = 0;
this.midpoint = this.audio_texture_width / 2;
write_audio_texture(analyser, texture_unit, texture, sampler) {
if (analyser != null) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.audio_texture_width; ++i) {
// Map frequency domain magnitudes to [0, 1].
let sample = this.frequency_domain_data[i];
sample = sample / 255.;
this.audio_data[i] = sample;
this.audio_data_width = this.audio_texture_width * 2;
for (let j = 0; j < this.audio_texture_width; ++j) {
// Map time domain amplitudes to [-1, 1].
let sample = this.time_domain_data[j];
sample = sample / 255.;
this.audio_data[this.audio_texture_width + j] = sample;
this.gl.activeTexture(this.gl.TEXTURE0 + texture_unit);
this.gl.bindTexture(this.gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
this.gl.bindSampler(texture_unit, sampler);
this.gl.samplerParameteri(sampler, this.gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, this.gl.NEAREST);
this.gl.samplerParameteri(sampler, this.gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, this.gl.NEAREST);
this.gl.samplerParameteri(sampler, this.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, this.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
this.gl.samplerParameteri(sampler, this.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, this.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
this.gl.samplerParameteri(sampler, this.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_R, this.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
this.gl.samplerParameteri(sampler, this.gl.TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE, this.gl.NONE);
this.gl.samplerParameteri(sampler, this.gl.TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC, this.gl.LEQUAL);
if (false && analyser) { // For debugging.
let is_texture = gl.isTexture(texture);
let uniform_count = gl.getProgramParameter(shader_program, gl.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS);
let uniform_index;
for (let uniform_index = 0; uniform_index < uniform_count; ++uniform_index) {
uniform_info = gl.getActiveUniform(shader_program, uniform_index);
const location = gl.getUniformLocation(shader_program, uniform_info.name);
const value = gl.getUniform(shader_program, location);
console.log("Uniform location: " + location);
console.log("Uniform value: " + value);
const unit = gl.getUniform(shader_program, shader_program.iChannel0);
console.log("Sampler texture unit: " + unit);
console.log("Texture unit: " + texture_unit);
gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + texture_unit);
let texture2D = gl.getParameter(gl.TEXTURE_BINDING_2D);
console.log("Texture binding 2D " + texture2D);
var debug_framebuffer = gl.createFramebuffer();
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, debug_framebuffer);
gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture2D, 0);
if (gl.checkFramebufferStatus(gl.FRAMEBUFFER) !== gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) {
console.log("These attachments don't work.");
// Read the contents of the debug_framebuffer (data stores the pixel data).
var data = new Float32Array(1024);
// What comes out, should be what went in.
gl.readPixels(0, 0, 512, 2, gl.RED, gl.FLOAT, data);
//console.log("\nfrequency domain: \n" + data.slice(0, 512));
//console.log("time domain: \n" + data.slice(512));
* Actually compiles and links the vertex shader and fragment shader.
compile_shader() {
let WEBGL_debug_shaders = this.gl.getExtension("WEBGL_debug_shaders");
this.webgl_viewport_size = null;
this.webgl_buffers = {};
this.shader_program = this.gl.createProgram();
for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
let shader_code = (i == 0 ? this.vertex_shader_code_addon : this.fragment_shader_code_addon);
let shader_object = this.gl.createShader(i == 0 ? this.gl.VERTEX_SHADER : this.gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
this.gl.shaderSource(shader_object, shader_code);
let status = this.gl.getShaderParameter(shader_object, this.gl.COMPILE_STATUS);
if (!status) {
this.gl.attachShader(this.shader_program, shader_object);
let translated_shader = WEBGL_debug_shaders.getTranslatedShaderSource(shader_object);
status = this.gl.getProgramParameter(this.shader_program, this.gl.LINK_STATUS);
if (!status) {
this.shader_program.inPos = this.gl.getAttribLocation(this.shader_program, "inPos");
this.shader_program.iMouse = this.gl.getUniformLocation(this.shader_program, "iMouse");
this.shader_program.iResolution = this.gl.getUniformLocation(this.shader_program, "iResolution");
this.shader_program.iTime = this.gl.getUniformLocation(this.shader_program, "iTime");
this.shader_program.iTimeDelta = this.gl.getUniformLocation(this.shader_program, "iTimeDelta");
this.shader_program.iFrame = this.gl.getUniformLocation(this.shader_program, "iFrame");
this.shader_program.iChannel0 = this.gl.getUniformLocation(this.shader_program, "iChannel0");
this.shader_program.iChannel1 = this.gl.getUniformLocation(this.shader_program, "iChannel1");
this.shader_program.iChannel2 = this.gl.getUniformLocation(this.shader_program, "iChannel2");
this.shader_program.iChannel3 = this.gl.getUniformLocation(this.shader_program, "iChannel3");
this.shader_program.iSampleRate = this.gl.getUniformLocation(this.shader_program, "iSampleRate");
this.gl.uniform1f(this.shader_program.iSampleRate, 48000.);
var pos = [-1, -1,
1, -1,
1, 1,
-1, 1];
var inx = [0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3];
this.webgl_buffers.pos = this.gl.createBuffer();
this.gl.bindBuffer(this.gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.webgl_buffers.pos);
this.gl.bufferData(this.gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(pos), this.gl.STATIC_DRAW);
this.webgl_buffers.inx = this.gl.createBuffer();
this.webgl_buffers.inx.len = inx.length;
this.gl.bindBuffer(this.gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.webgl_buffers.inx);
this.gl.bufferData(this.gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, new Uint16Array(inx), this.gl.STATIC_DRAW);
this.gl.vertexAttribPointer(this.shader_program.inPos, 2, this.gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
this.gl.clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
this?.write_audio_texture(this.analyser, this.channel0_texture_unit, this.channel0_texture, this.channel0_sampler);
window.onresize = ((event) => this.resize(event));
requestAnimationFrame((milliseconds) => this.render_frame(milliseconds));
set_attributes() {
* Obtains all active uniforms from the compiled GLSL shader.
* Addons may use these to control the shader.
get_uniforms() {
// Obtains all active uniforms and their locations, with which visuals
// can be controlled.
this.uniforms = {};
this.uniform_locations = {};
let uniform_count = this.gl.getProgramParameter(this.shader_program, this.gl.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS);
for (let uniform_index = 0; uniform_index < uniform_count; ++uniform_index) {
let uniform_info = this.gl.getActiveUniform(this.shader_program, uniform_index);
this.uniforms[uniform_info.name] = uniform_info;
let uniform_location = this.gl.getUniformLocation(this.shader_program, uniform_info.name);
this.uniform_locations[uniform_info.name] = uniform_location;
// Obtains all program attributes, which can be used to sample the visuals in
// order to generate notes.
get_attributes() {
* Called by the browseer to run the shader in an endless loop of animation frames.
* @param {number} milliseconds The time since the start of the loop.
async render_frame(milliseconds) {
// Here we create an AnalyserNode as soon as Csound is available.
if (this.analyser) {
} else {
let csound = this?.cloud5_piece?.csound;
if (csound) {
var node;
if (typeof csound.getNode == 'undefined') {
node = csound;
} else {
node = await csound.getNode()
this.analyser = new AnalyserNode(node.context);
this.analyser.fftSize = 2048;
console.info("Analyzer buffer size: " + this.analyser.frequencyBinCount);
this.gl.viewport(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
this.gl.clear(this.gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | this.gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
// Custom uniforms may be set in this addon. Such uniforms can be used
// e.g. to control audio visualizations.
if (this.pre_draw_frame_function_addon) {
// There are some default uniforms, modeled on ShaderToy.
let seconds = milliseconds / 1000;
this.gl.uniform1f(this.shader_program.iTime, seconds);
this.gl.uniform3f(this.shader_program.iResolution, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height, 0);
this.gl.uniform4f(this.shader_program.iMouse, this.mouse_position[0], this.mouse_position[1], 0, 0);
this?.write_audio_texture(this.analyser, this.channel0_texture_unit, this.channel0_texture, this.channel0_sampler);
// Actually render the frame.
this.gl.drawElements(this.gl.TRIANGLES, this.webgl_buffers.inx.len, this.gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
// Custom attributes may be accessed in this addon. Such attributes can be
// used e.g. to sample visuals and translate them to musical notes.
if (this.post_draw_frame_function_addon) {
requestAnimationFrame((milliseconds) => this.render_frame(milliseconds));
customElements.define("cloud5-shadertoy", Cloud5ShaderToy);
* Displays a scrolling list of runtime messages from Csound and/or other
* sources.
class Cloud5Log extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.cloud5_piece = null;
connectedCallback() {
this.innerHTML = `<div
class="cloud5-log-editor no-scroll">`;
this.message_callback_buffer = "";
this.console_editor = ace.edit("console_view");
this.console_editor.renderer.setOption("showGutter", false);
this.console_editor.renderer.setOption("showLineNumbers", true);
* Displays the message at the bottom of the scrolling text area.
* @param {string} message
log(message) {
// Split in case the newline is in the middle of the message but
// not at the end?
this.message_callback_buffer = this.message_callback_buffer + message;
if (this.message_callback_buffer.endsWith("\n")) {
let lines = this.console_editor.getSession().getLength();
// Prevent the console editor from hogging memory.
if (lines > 5000) {
this.console_editor.getSession().removeFullLines(0, 2500);
lines = this.console_editor.getSession().getLength();
this.console_editor.moveCursorTo(lines, 0);
this.message_callback_buffer = "";
* Clears the message display.
clear() {
customElements.define("cloud5-log", Cloud5Log);
* May contain license, authorship, credits, and program notes as inner HTML.
class Cloud5About extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
customElements.define("cloud5-about", Cloud5About);
// A sad workaround....
try {
var fs = require("fs");
var __dirname = fs.realpathSync.native(".");
} catch (e) {
* The title of a piece is always the basename of the document.
document.title = document.location.pathname.replace("/", "").replace(".html", "");
* Tries to clear all browser caches upon loading.
if ('caches' in window) {
caches.keys().then(function (names) {
for (let name of names)
console.info(`deleted ${name} from caches.`);
* Tests if Csound is null or undefined.
function non_csound(csound_) {
if (typeof csound_ === 'undefined') {
console.warn("csound is undefined.");
return true;
if (csound_ === null) {
console.warn("csound is null.");
return true;
return false;
* Replaces the order of instruments in a Silencio Score with a new order.
* Instrument numbers are re-ordered as if they are integers. The
* new_order parameter is a map, e.g. `{1:5, 3:1, 4:17}`. The map need not
* be complete.
* @param {Silencio.Score} score A generated CsoundAC Score.
* @param {Object} new_order_ A map assigning new Csound instrument numbers
* (values) to old Csound instrument numbers (keys)
function arrange_silencio(score, new_order_) {
console.info("arrange: reassigning instrument numbers...")
let new_order = new Map(Object.entries(new_order_));
// Renumber the insnos in the Score. Fractional parts of old insnos are
// preserved.
for (i = 0, n = score.data.length; i < n; ++i) {
let event_ = score.data[i];
let current_insno = event_.channel;
let current_insno_integer = Math.floor(current_insno);
let string_key = current_insno_integer.toString();
if (new_order.has(string_key)) {
let new_insno_integer = new_order.get(string_key);
let new_insno_fraction = current_insno - current_insno_integer;
let new_insno = new_insno_integer + new_insno_fraction;
console.info("renumbered: " + event_.toIStatement());
event_.channel = new_insno;
score.data[i] = event_;
console.info(" to: " + score.data[i].toIStatement());
console.info("arrange: finished reassigning instrument numbers.\n")
* Replaces the order of instruments in a generated CsoundAC Score with a new
* order. Instrument numbers are re-ordered as if they are integers. The
* new_order parameter is a map, e.g. `{1:5, 3:1, 4:17}`. The map need not
* be complete.
* @param {CsoundAC.Score} score A generated CsoundAC Score.
* @param {Object} new_order_ A map assigning new Csound instrument numbers
* (values) to old Csound instrument numbers (keys)
function arrange(score, new_order_) {
console.info("arrange: reassigning instrument numbers...\n")
let new_order = new Map(Object.entries(new_order_));
// Renumber the insnos in the Score. Fractional parts of old insnos are
// preserved.
for (i = 0, n = score.size(); i < n; ++i) {
let event_ = score.get(i);
let current_insno = event_.getInstrument();
let current_insno_integer = Math.floor(current_insno);
let string_key = current_insno_integer.toString();
if (new_order.has(string_key)) {
let new_insno_integer = new_order.get(string_key);
let new_insno_fraction = current_insno - current_insno_integer;
let new_insno = new_insno_integer + new_insno_fraction;
console.info("renumbered: " + event_.toIStatement());
score.set(i, event_);
console.info(" to: " + event_.toIStatement());
console.info("arrange: finished reassigning instrument numbers.\n")
* May be called to store data to the local filesystem. This is used e.g. to
* save a copy of the generated Csound .csd file before starting the
* performance. This can help with debugging. Note that in a browser-based
* performance, the local filesystem is inside the sandbox.
* @param {string} filepath
* @param {string} data
function write_file(filepath, data) {
try {
// Sync, so a bad .csd file doesn't blow up Csound
// before the .csd file is written so it can be tested!
fs.writeFileSync(filepath, data, function (err) {
} catch (err) {
try {
console.info("Copied generated csd to system clipboard.\n")
} catch (err1) {
* Called by the browser to resize arrays that are used to sample the WebGL
* canvas during performance.
function resize() {
webgl_viewport_size = [window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight];
canvas.width = webgl_viewport_size[0] * window.devicePixelRatio;
canvas.height = webgl_viewport_size[1] * window.devicePixelRatio;
image_sample_buffer = new Uint8ClampedArray(canvas.width * 4);
prior_image_sample_buffer = new Uint8ClampedArray(canvas.width * 4);
console.info("resize: image_sample_buffer.length: " + image_sample_buffer.length);
function client_wait_async(gl, sync, flags, interval_ms) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
function test() {
const result = gl.clientWaitSync(sync, flags, 0);
if (result === gl.WAIT_FAILED) {
// This is the workaround for platforms where maximum
// timeout is always 0.
if (result === gl.TIMEOUT_EXPIRED) {
setTimeout(test, interval_ms);
async function get_buffer_sub_data_async(gl, target, buffer, srcByteOffset, dstBuffer,
/* optional */ dstOffset, /* optional */ length) {
const sync = gl.fenceSync(gl.SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE, 0);
await client_wait_async(gl, sync, 0, 10);
gl.bindBuffer(target, buffer);
gl.getBufferSubData(target, srcByteOffset, dstBuffer, dstOffset, length);
gl.bindBuffer(target, null);
* @function rgb_to_hsv
* @description Converts an RGB color value to HSV. The formula is
* adapted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSV_color_space.
* @param {Array} rgb RGB color in [0, 255]
* @returns {Array} An HSV color in [0, 1].
var rgb_to_hsv = function (rgb) {
r = rgb[0] / 255;
g = rgb[1] / 255;
b = rgb[2] / 255;
let max = Math.max(r, g, b);
let min = Math.min(r, g, b);
let h, s, v = max;
let d = max - min;
s = max === 0 ? 0 : d / max;
if (max == min) {
h = 0;
} else {
// More efficient than switch?
if (max == r) {
h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0);
} else if (max == g) {
h = (b - r) / d + 2;
} else if (max == b) {
h = (r - g) / d + 4;
h /= 6;
return [h, s, v];
async function read_pixels_async(gl, x, y, w, h, format, type, sample) {
const buffer = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bindBuffer(gl.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, buffer);
gl.bufferData(gl.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, sample.byteLength, gl.STREAM_READ);
gl.readPixels(x, y, w, h, format, type, 0);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, null);
await get_buffer_sub_data_async(gl, gl.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, buffer, 0, sample);
* Called by cloud-5 when sampling the WebGL video canvas to
* reduce the bandwidth of the data, e.g. in preparation for
* translating it to musical notes.
* Adapts https://github.com/pingec/downsample-lttb from time
* series data to vectors of float HSV pixels. Our data is not
* [[time, value], [time, value],...], but rather
* [[column, value, [h,s,v]],...]. The algorithm uses
* column and value, but [h,s,v] go along for the ride.
* @param {Array} data Data from the canvas, e.g. a row of pixels.
* @param {Array} buckets Placeholder data.
* @returns {Array} The downsampled data.
function downsample_lttb(data, buckets) {
if (buckets >= data.length || buckets === 0) {
return data; // Nothing to do
let sampled_data = [],
sampled_data_index = 0;
// Bucket size. Leave room for start and end data points
let bucket_size = (data.length - 2) / (buckets - 2);
// Triangles are points {a, b, c}.
let a = 0, // Initially a is the first point in the triangle
sampled_data[sampled_data_index++] = data[a]; // Always add the first point
for (let i = 0; i < buckets - 2; i++) {
// Calculate point average for next bucket (containing c)
let avg_x = 0,
avg_y = 0,
avg_range_start = Math.floor((i + 1) * bucket_size) + 1,
avg_range_end = Math.floor((i + 2) * bucket_size) + 1;
avg_range_end = avg_range_end < data.length ? avg_range_end : data.length;
let avg_range_length = avg_range_end - avg_range_start;
for (; avg_range_start < avg_range_end; avg_range_start++) {
avg_x += data[avg_range_start][0] * 1; // * 1 enforces Number (value may be Date)
avg_y += data[avg_range_start][1] * 1;
avg_x /= avg_range_length;
avg_y /= avg_range_length;
// Get the range for this bucket
let range_offs = Math.floor((i + 0) * bucket_size) + 1,
range_to = Math.floor((i + 1) * bucket_size) + 1;
// Point a
let point_a_x = data[a][0] * 1, // enforce Number (value may be Date)
point_a_y = data[a][1] * 1;
max_area = area = -1;
for (; range_offs < range_to; range_offs++) {
// Calculate triangle area over three buckets
area = Math.abs((point_a_x - avg_x) * (data[range_offs][1] - point_a_y) -
(point_a_x - data[range_offs][0]) * (avg_y - point_a_y)
) * 0.5;
if (area > max_area) {
max_area = area;
max_area_point = data[range_offs];
next_a = range_offs; // Next a is this b
// Pick this point from the bucket; it is the point with the maximum
// area by value, but that point actually includes [h,s,v].
sampled_data[sampled_data_index++] = max_area_point;
a = next_a; // This a is the next a (chosen b)
sampled_data[sampled_data_index++] = data[data.length - 1]; // Always add last
return sampled_data; ///sampled_data;
* Creates a URL for a soundfile recorded by this piece.
* All such files exist by default in the Emscripten MEMFS filesystem
* at '/'.
async function url_for_soundfile(csound) {
try {
let soundfile_name = document.title + ".wav";
// But see https://mimetype.io/audio/vnd.wav.
let mime_type = "audio/wav";
let file_data = await csound.GetFileData(soundfile_name);
console.info(`Offering download of "${soundfile_name}", with ${file_data.length} bytes...`);
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.download = soundfile_name;
a.href = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([file_data], { type: mime_type }));
// We hide the download link and automatically click it.
a.style.display = 'none';
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
} catch (x) {
* Generates a new copy(s) of the Score in canon to the original, at the
* specified delay in seconds and transposition in semitones (which may be
* fractional). If a Scale is supplied, the new Score is conformed to that
* Scale.
* @param {CsoundAC.Score} Score or fragment of score.
* @param {number} delay in seconds.
* @param {number} transposition in semitones.
* @param {number} layers.
* @param {CsoundAC.Scale} csoundac_scale if supplied, the new voice will
* be conformed to this scale.
* @returns a modified {Score}
function canon(CsoundAC, csoundac_score, delay, transposition, layers, csoundac_scale) {
let new_score = new CsoundAC.Score();
// Append both an event and that event in canon to the new Score.
for (let layer = 1; layer <= layers; ++layer) {
for (let i = 0; i < csoundac_score.size(); ++i) {
let event = csoundac_score.get(i);
if (layer == 1) {
let new_time = event.getTime() + (delay * layer);
let new_key = event.getKey() + (transposition * layer);
if (csoundac_scale) {
CsoundAC.apply(new_score, csoundac_scale, 0, 1000000, true);
return new_score;